I am a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Mechanical Engineering Department, where my research is focused on human-robot collaboration with applications in healthcare and medicine. I am a member of the Model-Based Embedded and Robotic Systems (MERS) group, which is housed in the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). I have been awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) to pursue this work.
My passion for engineering stemmed from my time on FIRST Robotics Team 1218, where I acted as team captain, strategy lead, and outreach lead. My efforts in team reorganization and competition strategy analysis were substantial in helping win the FIRST Robotics World Championship in 2019. In college, I joined the Johns Hopkins Blue Jay Racing Team, which competes for Baja SAE, and was the frame subsystem lead my sophomore year. I then transitioned to doing research in the Intelligent Medical Robotic Systems and Equipment Lab (IMERSE) Lab, where I integrated force sensors onto surgical instruments to improve autonomous performance in suturing operations. For my senior thesis, I studied abroad at the University of Edinburgh and worked in the Statistical Learning and Motor Control (SLMC) group, where I worked on the classification of safe and unsafe human-robot interaction for eldercare applications.
I also strive to foster diversity in the organizations, teams, and broader communities I am a part of, with a particular focus on uplifting underrepresented voices in STEM fields. I volunteer as a game announcer and emcee at FIRST Robotics events to act as a role model for young women interested in pursuing STEM. At Johns Hopkins, I was the class representative for the Women of Mechanical Engineering and a member of the Society of Women Engineers. I have also led conversations to improve inclusivity internally within the Johns Hopkins Mechanical Engineering Department.